Primary Classes (I to V): The school follows comprehensive and continuous evaluation system prescribed by CBSE at Primary Level. During the session four cycle assessments are carried out. The children are assessed weekly during these cycle assessments. The cycle assessments includes written tests, oral tests, class work, home work, assignments projects (group/individual), quizzes, experiments/activities and conversation etc.
Middle & Secondary Classes (VI to X): The school follows comprehensive and continuous evaluation system prescribed by CBSE.
During the entire academic session three periodic tests will be taken. The average of the best two test will be taken for final marks submission. (10 marks)
Internal Assessment- This will include regular submission, punctuality, neatness and notebook upkeep. (5 marks)
Subject enrichment activities (5 marks) This will include activities developing listening and speaking skill for languages, listed laboratory activities for Maths and Science and Map work for Social Science.
Final assessment will be done on the basis of written exam (80 marks) + internal assessment (20 marks)
Senior Secondary Classes (XI-XII): The School follows the CBSE pattern and offers various subject choices at Sr. Secondary level.